miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

The Future is Near

After almost two decades working and training the brain with Neurofeedback and dealing with many different psychological cases in my workload, I just got into the shift for the future in our profession, and even the whole field of mental health.

Now I can clearly see how neuroimaging will stand tall the flag of real diagnosis, not based on listed symptoms DSM style, rather in very specific brain patterns "painted" on the computer monitor of sophisticated hardware and software, showing in extremely detail the different activation or deactivation per area, which my explain what the person is feeling, perceiving a dealing with, Neuroimaging will show how real depression looks like, PTSD, addictions, even generalized anxiety; and even more great news is that it will also show the effects of the different interventions, including medications, psychotherapy and Biofeedback taht we are using to help them.

Just as Dr. Daniel Amen shows in his SPECT images, Tom Collura, PhD in his 3D avatars, and the rest of QEEG, and TLC Brain Map, are the pinnacle of the beginning of what I called: Visual Dx.

We, mental health professionals will not ever again deal with subjective hypothesis, just as a Rx or a Doppler, we are going to be able to take a closer look to one of the main and more enigmatic
body organ, the brain. Been capable of even predict future developments and possible solutions to present conditions.

What we now call "Mental Health Illnesses", will be called Brain Activation Patterns, looking at them what they really are, a condition, easier to approach and work with to make it work.

All those "conditions", such a Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, even Autism will be a problem from the past. We just have to decode those images and their algorithms. We are not here yet, but we are getting closer. The future is near.

Juan Ricardo Diaz, MFT, NFP

1 comentario:

  1. En mi condicion de paciente, independiente de la de madre, certifico que he sentido una gran mejoria en unos pocos dias que he sido sometida a este metodo terapeutico que muchos colegas desconocen y otros lo niegan por aun ignorarlo. Realmente, esta muy cerca ese futuro en el que se reconocera la efctividad en ambitos aun mas complicados que la Hipertension arterial que no deja de ser muy importante y hasta vital para muchisimos pacientes por ser un "enemigo silente". Solo es cosa de muy poco tiempo para que sean favorecidos miriadas de afortunados
