sábado, 5 de enero de 2019

Open letter to Don Lemon at CNN

Dear Don,

First, I would like to wish you an amazing and blessed happy new year. I really admire your professionalism and your career, please keep up the good work.

Now, talking about gays, especially black gays kids, with all due respect Don, that is ridiculous, and let me tell you why. As an experienced psychotherapist I always have to read, learn, deal and help all kind of people, including my family and myself. I like to believe that I know a little bit about human behavior after studying and analyzing it for the last three decades.

I might get and even support your idea to create consciousness in the black community about parents treating their kids badly based on their sexual orientation. We must do something together about that. But I’m not quite sure if the way you are presenting this information is the best way to go. I’m also a human being, just like you, I can easily be wrong.

Sexual orientation in the first place could be a direct consequence of different unfortunate events, but after you become an adult person is a decision.  Please let me share my thoughts with you.
And let me be clear, a lot of my closest friends practice same sex orientation, I have seen and will keep seen same sex couples in therapy, and even my beloved son has same sex orientation. I don’t have any kind of trouble with people that like same sex or any other deviation, but sex is a behavior, a conduct will never define a person because is something that you can change if you decide to do so.
What you do with your body and your sex life is your business, and your business only. You don’t need to rub in the face what you do behind closed doors, in the same way you don’t want to know about mine.

I want to believe that I’m a heterosexual, I’m not proud of it, it just my choice, which must likely could be based on my rearing. I really dislike when irrational minorities want to impose their views, and not only want to be accepted, which is their inalienable right, but they also want us to agree and support their ideas.

I think LGBT community are misinformed and might be guided by people with low self esteem and obvious inferiority complex. It seems to me that they can easily confuse what a human being is with what a person does. Your acts and behavior are just that, things that you do, not what you really are. You are not gay or homosexual, you just like and prefer same sex relationships.  You are Don, a sensitive and loving person that likes to communicate wit others, but even deeper, you really are a divine creation of this universe, which in my personal case and my beliefs, I call it, a beloved son of God. That is what you really are, and the difference is because believe it or not that “reality” will never change, not matter what you do or think. Anything else, specially behaviors, can be changed, stop or even create new ones. You can change what you do, if you want to, but you can never change who you really are.

If Kevin Hart stop doing comedy, meaning stop “being” a comedian, is he stopping being Kevin Hart, the human? Not at all. He always will be him, not matter what he decides to do with his life. His real value is not related to his behaviors, is related to what he really is.

I think Mr. Hart is a very funny guy, and please understand that jokes are made from reality, and even from human suffering, just as Dr. Freud used to say: “there is no such thing as a joke”.

Because of all the non-sense created by minorities, now no one can talk and express themselves the way they want because is not “politically correct”, ignoring our first amendment. This is not fair.
From my humble position I tell you Don, this non-sense must stop, and from your own megaphone you can use your own trampoline (a.k.a. CNN) to help correct this and make a better world for all of us.

